Yisroel H. Levovitz


Yisroel H. Levovitz is a Business Strategist, Seasoned Marketing & Communication Expert and Business Writer with over two decades of experience.  With Siyata D’Shmaya and a Common Sensical approach, he guides Frum businesses in going from struggle to success.

  • Marketing Strategy
October 2023 Edition

3 Quick Tips For Business Growth

by Yisroel H. Levovitz - CEO, Profound Business

  • Marketing Strategy
September 2023 Edition

Water Your Business and It Will Grow!

by Yisroel H. Levovitz - CEO, Profound Business

  • Marketing Strategy
August 2023 Edition

What Is Your Why?

by Yisroel H. Levovitz - CEO, Profound Business

  • Marketing Strategy
July 2023 Edition

4 Ways to Find - and Fine Tune - Your Selling Points

by Yisroel H. Levovitz - CEO, Profound Business

  • Marketing Strategy
June 2023 Edition

What is Branding?

by Yisroel H. Levovitz - CEO, Profound Business

  • Marketing Strategy
May 2023 Edition

Why Are You In Business?

by Yisroel H. Levovitz - CEO, Profound Business