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Water Your Business and It Will Grow!
November 30, 2023
by Yisroel H. Levovitz - CEO, Profound Business
Everyone is looking for the formula for success. Here it is: More Clients + More Business Growth = More Success
That’s it? As simple as that?
Well, it actually is a pretty simple formula, though simple doesn’t mean easy.
So how do we master the formula and ensure steady business growth across all aspects of a business?
Before we offer some tried-and-true “Do’s”, please remember the most crucial “Don’t” of all:
DON’T approach your business opportunistically. Yes, of course good opportunities sometimes fall into your lap, but if you rely on them as a business funnel instead of strategizing, planning and positioning yourself to capture new business, you will find yourself out of luck quick.
With the "Don't" out of the way, let’s focus on 7 "Do's", a list of effective ‘new client acquisition’ tips, which will hopefully be beneficial to help jump-start that stalled business growth and help your business engine start revving again.
1) What do you do?
If the answer you give to that question and the answer a potential client would give to that question is not one and the same, “Houston, we got a problem!”. In the current global marketplace where everyone and their uncle are doing everything under the sun, make sure you know exactly what you do (and what you don’t do) and stay on script. The clearer you are, the clearer those who need what you do will be, and they will find you.
2) Know your “core business”.
Even if you offer peripheral services related to your main business, make sure your core is always at the center of your business. Don’t lose sight of the main things, at the expense of making a quick buck or for any other reason, as doing so will dilute your core and risk it being totally overshadowed.
3) Who are your target clients?
Hint: The answer is not “Everyone and Anyone”. Know your targets. Know what they want, need and expect, and deliver that to them and them only.
4) Have multiple revenue streams.
Relying on a too-narrow roster of clients (even if they are big ones) or providing too narrow a scope of services is a dangerous gamble, as clients leave and service needs shift. Make sure you have enough channels within your space to allow for breathing room even when things get rough in one of the other channels.
5) Know your process.
Even if you are very good at what you do, make sure you have a “method to your madness”, as processes help your clients understand what you are doing and how you are doing it. Processes also allow for other members of your team to assist you better, since if they don’t know what you’re thinking and why you do things a certain way, it can lead down a road to disaster.
6) What’s their problem?!
Your clients’ problem, that is. Make sure you – and your clients - know what problem you solve. More often than not, the reason clients will seek you out and find you is because they are looking for solutions to a problem, remedies to pain points, answers to conundrums. Make sure it’s clear what solutions you offer and how you solve said problems.
7) Be the Go-To Person.
If you want clients to go to you with their needs, make sure you have established yourself as the expert to go to within the industry and the space that you function.
Think of your business as a plant and the aforementioned ideas as the water it needs to maintain its healthy and luscious growth. When your business is growing and healthy, it will attract more customers, and…… More Clients + More Business Growth = More Success
Yes, it will take work and it won’t always be easy, but hey, nothing worthwhile is easy!
Simple enough, right?
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