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3 Quick Tips For Business Growth

December 29, 2023
by Yisroel H. Levovitz - CEO, Profound Business

As we are deep into 2023, and 2024 is already around the corner, now is a good time to  take a quick look at what went right, what went wrong, what went OK, and most importantly, what can be done differently to ensure more vibrant business growth ahead.

Here are 3 areas to look at:


Setting goals is one of the most fundamental things to ensure business growth. However, the gap between setting goals and achieving said goals is often wider than anyone cares to admit.

One of the things I notice is that when goals are shared with others – either with others in the company or with objective outsiders – they tend to be more concrete, more attainable and more real. One of the reasons many hesitate to share goals is that doing so will lead to accountability from those with whom the goals were shared. That is precisely why you should share your business goals with others, and hopefully that accountability will be the very thing that helps your goals become reality.


How many times have you met people – in person or virtually – and left the conversation with something to the effect of “it was great meeting you, let’s keep in touch!”

How many times do you actually follow up to keep in touch with that person? I think we know the answer to that!

Going forward, try a different tactic. Instead of a courteous “See ya around” or “Let’s keep in touch” or “Call me next week to pursue this”, make a concrete follow-up meeting or conversation, something to the effect of “I really enjoyed this conversation and I feel there is more to explore in regards to mutually beneficial collaboration. Are you available next Tuesday at 12pm for coffee or a phone chat?”  While this approach won’t work every time, it will prove a lot more effective in actually getting more follow-up meetings and conversations. 

Get that follow up and mark it in your calendar, and both of you will receive a digital reminder to take your initial pleasantries to the next level and thus be on your way to boosted business growth.


Remember the Rolodex? In this digital age where virtually everything (pun intended!) is done via technology, sometimes things and people that don’t keep up with the fast pace of technology get forgotten.

Try this little experiment and you will understand what I mean: Dig up your old Rolodex or address book or another relic of ancient times [AKA B(before) C(computer) E(era)], and see if there are any contacts in there that you have lost touch with due to their not being part of your digital world. Choose a handful of these, and reach out to them in the old-fashioned way (remember the phone?) and see what they are up to, see if you can rekindle the business relationship, see if you can once again add them to your network.

Technology is great, but don’t let it rule your business and don’t let it rule out business relationships that may be worthwhile having.

(P.S. for those of you  who have no clue what a Rolodex is…..google it! )

Yisroel H. Levovitz

Yisroel H. Levovitz

Yisroel H. Levovitz is a Business Strategist, Seasoned Marketing & Communication Expert and Business Writer with over two decades of experience.  With Siyata D’Shmaya and a Common Sensical approach, he guides Frum businesses in going from struggle to success.

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