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4 Ways to Find – and Fine Tune – Your Selling Points

September 1, 2023
by Yisroel H. Levovitz - CEO, Profound Business

Over many years of working with business owners, I have discovered a very important, yet simple, principle that differentiates those who succeed from those who struggle: Selling Points.

Yes, the businesses that are crystal clear as to what their selling points are tend to focus better on doing what is necessary to ensure that they “stick to the script” and become the best they can be at accentuating those selling points.

So, how do you figure out what your most viable selling points are? And how do you fine tune those for maximum clarity?

It boils down to four essential philosophies, as follows:

    1. ) What questions are your potential customers asking?


What may be a simple tenet of your business to you may be news to them. Perceptively LISTEN to their questions and you will learn which selling points to focus on.

    1. ) What reactions are they giving to your info?


Develop your selling points based on their “Aha,” “Oh,” “Interesting!” and “Really?!” responses and the like. Natural reactions, as terse, blunt and offhand as they may be, are loaded with usable feedback for you to decipher and use to sharpen your selling point power.

    1. ) Furthermore, body language and grunts are extremely telling.


“Uh huh,” “Mhmm,” eye rolls, shoulder shrugging, arm crossing, eye contact, smiles, gleaming eyes and the like are a treasure trove of pointers, if you pay attention to them and read them correctly. As you speak, watch and learn and educate yourself as to which selling points resonate with them and which do not.

[And speaking of “speaking”… do it less! Instead, add a hefty dose of listening and observing. Now that’s a point I’m selling … and it’s worth buying.]

    1. ) Finally, selling points should be you offering solutions, not you proposing sales pitches.


They should be the reasons for them needing you, not your way of letting them know you need them. In other words, despite them being called “selling” points, avoid the mistake of turning them into “sales” points.

Put these four principles into practice and your potential clients will soon start to have a much clearer grasp of what your business is, what it stands for, what it does, and which solutions it can offer them!

Yisroel H. Levovitz

Yisroel H. Levovitz

Yisroel H. Levovitz is a Business Strategist, Seasoned Marketing & Communication Expert and Business Writer with over two decades of experience.  With Siyata D’Shmaya and a Common Sensical approach, he guides Frum businesses in going from struggle to success.

Click here for more information about his training programs.

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