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We’re so happy you decided to join JSuccess; a global Jewish B2B community of super achievers!
Feel free to take advantage of free membership, or upgrade at any time to one of our premium paid options and enjoy exclusive member benefits!
- Free 30-Day, risk-free subscription to our digital magazine, featuring an in-depth cover interview with the greatest impact makers of our time in a variety of industries, as well as high-quality articles & videos by top industry experts on topics of personal development & business success.
- Unlimited access to paid coaching & courses by a curated list of top Experts!
- Join our Affiliate Partnership program as a vendor.
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Bronze Membership
One-time Annual Subscription (20% savings)
Or choose on-the-go $25/monthly billing
Bronze Membership includes all FREE Membership benefits
- Plus, all Bronze Membership benefits:
- Full subscription to our digital and print magazines, plus access to the past 3 editions
- Membership badge with company logo
- Basic member directory listing
- Submit feedback on any eMagazine article & have the Expert address your message along with your membership badge
- Join our Expert Directory
- Recommend an Expert in our Expert Directory along with your membership badge
- Submit photos of your business to the Community Photos page celebrating major company milestones
- Access to monthly and annual member-only events
- Bonus gifts:
- 🎁 Discount on digital & social media advertising for your business ($100 Value)
- 🎁 Member-generated panels
- 🎁 Member contests
- 🎁 Access to JSuccess Book Club ($100 value)
- 🎁 Affiliate Partner member discounts!
Silver Membership
One-time Annual Subscription (20% savings)
Or choose on-the-go $50/monthly billing
Silver Membership includes all Bronze Membership benefits
- Plus, all Silver Membership benefits:
- Access to the past 12 digital and print magazine editions
- Full member directory listing
- Monthly LinkedIn posts promoting you and your brand ($200 monthly value)
- Premium access at monthly and annual member-only events
- Premium Member badge with company logo
- Premium member interviews & writeups
- Accountability partnerships
- Bonus gifts:
Discounted rates for one-on-one and/or group coaching
Discounted rates for speaking engagements
Discounted rates for weekly LinkedIn posts promoting you and your brand ($100 monthly value)
Gold Membership
One-time Annual Subscription (20% savings)
Or choose on-the-go $100/monthly billing
Gold Membership details TBD