Dave Linn

Company Culture and Executive Coaching

Dave “The Gratitude Dude” Linn doesn’t just “believe” that ordinary people can change the world, he KNOWS it. As an Executive & Company Culture Coach, Dave has guided hundreds of leaders to create and foster flourishing company cultures – places that people come to work because they want to, not because they have to.

His Gratitude Works(hops) highlight the importance and benefits of gratitude and teach the lasting techniques that build the habits that transform lives and organizational cultures.

  • Psychology Safety
August 2023 Edition

Psychological Safety (Pt.4) Inclusion Safety

by Dave Linn - The Gratitude Dude

  • Psychological Safety
July 2023 Edition

Psychological Safety (Pt.3)

by Dave Linn - The Gratitude Dude

  • Emotional Intelligence
July 2023 Edition

Understanding Self Regard

by Dave Linn - The Gratitude Dude

  • Psychology Safety
June 2023 Edition

Psychological Safety: What Psychological Safety Isn’t (Part 2)

by Dave Linn - The Gratitude Dude

  • Emotional Intelligence
June 2023 Edition

Introduction to Emotional Intelligence: Your Delivery System

by Dave Linn - The Gratitude Dude

  • Psychological Safety
May 2023 Edition

Introduction to Psychological Safety Series

by Dave Linn - The Gratitude Dude