October 3, 2024
Lead by: Tania Friedlander
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Procrastination: Why do we do it?

September 3, 2023
by Avi Friedman - Productivity Coach, Managed Minds

Procrastination is a common problem that can have a significant impact on our personal and professional lives.

There are three main reasons why we procrastinate:

  • Fear of success: We may be afraid of what will happen if we achieve our goals. We may be afraid of success because we don't know what it will mean for our lives or because we are afraid of being judged by others.
  • Fear of failure: We may be afraid of failing, so we avoid taking action on tasks that we perceive as risky. We may also be afraid of failure because we don't...
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Avi Friedman

Avi Friedman

I help overwhelmed small biz owners and solopreneurs manage their projects, time & finances | Putting the “Pro” in Productivity!

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