October 3, 2024
Lead by: Tania Friedlander
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JSuccess Podcast Ep. 1: B2B Marketing Guest: Joe Apfelbaum, CEO, Ajax Union

November 4, 2023

Topic: Embracing Authenticity: The Key to Building Lasting Business Relationships


You will learn how to:

  • Know Yourself
  • Embrace Your Authenticity
  • Be a Value-Based Entrepreneur
  • Differentiate Personal From Private
  • Express Authenticity in Business Interactions
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Zevy Lamm

Zevy Lamm

As the leader of a super-strong team of NYC permit consultants, I needed to learn how to achieve more. I spent lots of time and money learning from the best mentors. To hear more about some of my personal challenges and successes, click here. Today I’m really proud of what we’ve accomplished as a team & as a company B”H! That’s why I launched JSuccess to help other achievers in our community achieve more too!

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