About Us

Zevy Lamm

Founder, JSuccess

As the leader of a super-strong team of NYC permit consultants, I needed to learn how to achieve more. I spent lots of time and money learning from the best mentors. To hear more about some of my personal challenges and successes, click here. Today I’m really proud of what we’ve accomplished as a team & as a company B”H! That’s why I launched JSuccess to help other achievers in our community achieve more too!

Our Vision

Build a cohesive personal & business development hub for Jewish super achievers globally.

Our Mission

Help 10,000 Jewish achievers achieve more success—founded on the core values of growth, harmony & impact.

The Products & Services We Provide

We’ve created a comprehensive online hub offering personal development resources by top industry experts for Jewish business leaders globally, plus a dynamic community in which to thrive. This includes a full array of audio & video courses & training, plus the opportunity of accountability partnerships & groups, access to live webinars, one-on-one & small group mentorship and coaching, book clubs, member-only meetup seminars, and much more.

Who We Are Targeting

A dynamic community of growth-minded, impactful, Jewish achievers ready to take full responsibility for their own success by consuming inspiration, ideas, strategies, training and more on the topic of success, among a supportive community of likeminded individuals.

The Problem We Are Solving

Self-motivated business leaders and entrepreneurs seeking training resources, information & inspiration on the topic of success, currently lack a high-quality portal in harmony with their Jewish values that serves and supports their need to grow and make an impact within and beyond the community. We are here to fill this need! 

Our Competitive Advantage

In a world of abundant business training options, there are many delivering content that offer enterprise-wide solutions for growing companies. There are only several offering solutions for individuals to improve themselves. What we’re setting out to accomplish BS”D is to establish our portal as the leading Jewish voice in the field of personal & professional development for positive, growth-minded, achievers & impact-makers seeking comprehensive content which synthesizes success in the areas of business, money, community, spirituality, family, and health & wellbeing, among other areas.