
Achievers Achieve More!

Professional Development & Business Growth

Professional Development
& Business Growth

About Us

Our Vision

To create a cohesive & supportive professional development training hub for super achievers

Our Mission

Over the next 3 years, to help 10,000 achievers attain success—founded on the core values of growth, harmony & impact


Are you looking for a consultant, coach, mentor, or course? Join our free membership and learn from our vetted heimishe business experts!


Do you want to learn from and engage with top experts in the heimishe business world on a monthly basis? Join our eMagazine membership!

Our Vision

Content and courses will be available from top industry experts in the following areas:




Business Trends

Personal Finance

Business Finance



People Skills

Life Coaching

Growth Mindset

Wealth Management

Emotional Intelligence

Focus & Productivity

Specific Industries

Our Instructors

Isaac Bardos

Business Coach

Elliot Pepper

Financial Planning Advisor

Chany Rosengarten

Wealth Coach

Rachel Lebowitz

EOS Implementor

Aric Zamel

Wealth Manager & Financial Advisor

Shaina Keren

Career Coach

Joe Apfelbaum

B2B Marketing Coach

Nathalie Garson

Business Strategist & Scaling Expert

Zev Freundlich

Corporate Culture Coach

Training Packages

The JSuccess portal current hosts a select group of world-class experts in every area of personal development for Jewish business leaders.

It is our goal to add hundreds of curated training programs to the platform in text, audio & video format, plus live webinars, & booking options for member-only, in-person seminar events all with paid subscriptions in 4 basic tiers.

Personal & Professional Development Hub