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November 2023 – Table of Contents
November 5, 2023
- Interview with David G. Greenfield, CEO, Met Council: by Zevy Lamm - Founder, JSuccess
- NEW COLUMN! Dear Coach: by Moshe Hirschhorn - Life & Business Coach, School of You Coaching
- NEW COLUMN! Community Impact: by Isaac Portugal - Staff Writer, JSuccess Coaching
- Are you saying NO to money?: by Chany Rosengarten - Wealth Coach
- NEW COLUMN! Our Experts Respond
- Hydration for Enhanced Productivity: Unveiling the Power of Electrolyte – Infused Water: by Chaim Loeb - Founder, FitYid Academy
- JSuccess Podcast Ep. 1: B2B Marketing Guest: Joe Apfelbaum, CEO, Ajax Union: by Zevy Lamm - Founder, JSuccess
- The #1 Most Expensive Marketing Mistake To Avoid: by Isaac Bardos - Founder, Business Breakthroughs
- Self-help and Coaching (Part 4): by Bentzy Rosenberg - Business Coach
- Make Your Values Mean Something: by Rachel Lebowitz - Professional EOS Implementor
- Water Your Business and It Will Grow!: by Yisroel H. Levovitz - CEO, Profound Business
- Indistractable: Overcoming Internal Distractions: by Avi Friedman - Coach, Managed Minds
- The Shoe Maker’s Shoes: The Life of a Travel Company Owner on Holiday: by Ben Robbins - Director, Bespoke Kosher Travel
- About Alert Protective Services, Interview with CEO, Jared Wasserman
- Interview with Naftali Status: by Zevy Lamm - Founder, JSuccess
We’d love to hear from you!
If you have any thoughts, takeaways, questions, or comments, please share them with us and we’ll do what we can to have the expert address your message in next month’s edition! As an added bonus, if you’re a paid member, you can share your company name and your position, and the expert will include that when addressing your point!
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