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Overcoming Fear
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Overcoming Fear

December 16, 2023
by Isaac Portugal, Content Creator, JSuccess

Dear JSuccess members,

As leaders, overcoming fear is one of the most important traits that we want to develop for ourselves and those we are responsible for. This month we decided to do a panel article on the topic, and we reached out to two of our JSuccess experts to address the topic; Yisroel Levovitz, Business Strategist, Profound Business, and Rachel Lebowitz, Professional EOS Implementer. Here’s the expert input we received:

Rachel Lebowitz, Professional EOS Implementer

Fear is an invitation. It means you are at the cusp of doing something great. You have a choice of running and avoiding that breakthrough or embracing it and facing it, which is courage.

Dan Sullivan teaches this concept in his book "The 4 C's Formula". The formula on how every breakthrough happens. First, you must commit to achieving a specific goal, then you need to have the courage to face it and do it, which builds your capabilities and therefore gives you confidence, and then you do it all over again!

Think of the first time you did something big and scary. I remember when I went zip lining in Thailand over a 3-mile river. I was so scared. I could have backed out. I remember attempting scuba diving in the Bahamas many years ago and once I got geared up and into the water, I backed out right before going down under sea. Now it will take twice the amount of courage for me to ever try scuba diving again. But when it came to zip lining, I committed to not backing out! I faced the fear, gathered courage, and knew I was capable. Now when I went to the zipline at the local state park, it felt like a piece of pie. I had confidence because I had done it before.

Think about the first time you hired an employee, it felt unfamiliar and uncomfortable; you weren't sure you were doing it right. Then, as time went on and you hired more and more employees, it became second nature.

You can apply this to every concept in life and business. But the most important thing is that you must first commit, and commitment is practically selling yourself first. As Dan Sullivan from Strategic Coach writes in the 4 C's Formula book. "Everybody talks about sales in terms of selling to someone else, but actually, the first sale that we have to make to advance our life forward is to sell ourselves on a goal."

As a business owner, no one else can make a commitment if you are not committed. Not your employee, not your customer, not your supplier. People are expecting it from you! No one will take a risk unless you take a risk. So get out there and commit, gather the courage, face the fear, find the capabilities of the right people who can get you to the goal, and as a result, you will gain the confidence to do it bigger and better next time!


Yisroel Levovitz, Business Strategist, Profound Business

1. What is fear?
Fear is what you get when you think you are in control, and you forget that Hashem is in total, absolute control of everything.

2. How do you turn fear into success?
Recognize that we have to do Hishtadlus, and give it our best shot, but ultimately success is in the hands of Hashem.

3. How to make friends with your fear?
Face it head on. Fear is all bark, no bite.

4. How to step out of comfort and step into your courage?
The best way to know how to do new things is to do it. Don't overthink it. Don't over-analyze it. Don't what-if yourself to kazoo. Take a tip from Nike and JUST DO IT.

5. What questions you must answer to overcome your fears?
WHY? What are you afraid of? Most of the time when you think about it, you don't find a rational reason for it. Once you recognize that you are stronger than your fear, you will realize you have nothing to be afraid of.

6. What are the best questions that will help you get over your fear of making a big change?
Don't make big changes. Make small changes. Lots of small changes over time will result in large changes for the better. Slow and steady wins the race.

7. What are your best tips for overcoming the fear of asking for help?
Remember the times that you offered help to others. Remind yourself that sometimes you are the one who needs the help. It's par for the course. There is no shame in needing help and no shame in asking for that help. We all need help in one area or another at one time or another. We were created to help one another. We are not here for ourselves.

8. How to overcome the fear of starting your own business?
Make a solid business plan. Have real goals. Have a business mentor. Don't go it alone.

9. How to overcome the fear of uncertainty & self-doubt?
Focus on all the positive qualities you have. Focus on your strengths. Hashem created you to be you. Use your talents and skills. Don't compare yourself to others. Be you.

10. How to overcome the fear of taking a risk?
No risks, no gains. It's part of life. Weigh your options. If it makes sense as an acceptable Hishtadlus, go for it. Results are Hashem's business. All we can do is Hishtadlus.



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