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Let’s Go Client Hunting

October 31, 2023
by David Hochberg - CEO, DH Group

Let’s go client hunting.

Imagine your dream clients.

Your ultimate clients.

The clients you enjoy working with for so many reasons.

Let’s go find them.

Step One: Identifying what an ideal client looks like in your business.

There are several ways to do this, but I’m going to highlight one approach.

It will take you less than 20 minutes and really fast-track your sales.

If you have already worked with an ideal client, this will be easy.

Make a list with two columns.

Label column one as “Detail” and column two as “Why.”

Choose a detail about your previous ideal client.

For example, they were open to feedback or were creative, or always paid you on time. Write it down in column one.

In column two, write down why you valued or enjoyed that aspect of working with them.

For example, you appreciated that they were open to feedback because it made it much easier to work with them in a collaborative way.

Or you enjoyed that they were creative because you place a high value on creativity.

Or you were grateful that they always paid on time because you have several clients who don’t do that.

This exercise will provide you with much of the information you need to create a composite of your ideal client and, perhaps more importantly, WHY they are your ideal client.

There is no “one-size-fits-all.”

But there is a size that fits YOU and your business.

If you have never worked with an ideal client, here’s a trick to figure it out.

Make the same two-column list and choose your worst client.

The “pull your hair out” client.

In column one, write down the detail that was so upsetting to you.

In column two, write down why it bothered you.

For example, in column one, you might write down that they were a huge time-waster or were very argumentative.

In column two, write down why that throws you.

Perhaps you appreciate the value of time and people who don’t value your time are difficult for you to work with.

Or you love to collaborate with your clients and a client who thinks “my way or the highway” rubs you in the wrong direction.

Once your list is complete, you will have a composite of your worst client.

Now, simply flip it around to see your ideal client.

If your worst client is a time-waster, your ideal client will value your time and work efficiently with you.

If your worst client is constantly arguing with you, your ideal client is one who loves to collaborate together with you.

See how it works?

Play around with it and you will come up with your ideal client.

Don’t forget to add demographic details too.

Business revenue, number of employees, position or role, etc.

Get specific.

Step Two: Where do you find your ideal client?

Time to get creative.

You know who you are looking for.

For example, you are looking for C-suite level executives in a business that does $5-10 million a year in revenue with at least five employees.

Or you are looking for creative solopreneurs who are bringing in $300k a year in a service business and want to take a giant step up.

Add in the client profile you created in step one.

Mix it together with your demographics and you are staring at your ideal client.

Get specific in your targeting.

There are infinite clients in infinite industries.

Don’t get hung up on needing to find the best ones.

Every industry and business that sells has clients.

The ones that don’t have clients don’t stay around very long.

Take your ideal client profile and start thinking.

Where can I find this client?

Who does this client do business with?

Leverage your network.

Who do you know who is connected to your ideal client?

Who is connected to a connection?

Work your network to get connected with your ideal client.

One of the biggest mistakes is not being completely dialed into your ideal client.

Forget everyone else.

Identify your ideal client and get razor-focused on only finding him/her.

Let go of all the other potential clients.

The more research you put into this, the more targeted and focused your networking, marketing, branding, and selling will be.

Do as much of the work upfront and the sale itself will naturally flow.

Otherwise, you will find yourself working very hard at the sale every step of the way.

When you get this right, people will throw money at you.

Work smarter, not harder.

Good luck out there!

David Hochberg

David Hochberg

Masterfully blending 25 years of practicing psychology with an expert business sense, David drills right to the core of the problem, provides effective solutions and strategies, and works with you to successfully transform your business and income to the next level.

Straightforward, insightful, and highly skilled, David has worked with numerous entrepreneurs, small business owners, and high-level professionals to leverage their expertise, achieve their vision, and reach extraordinary goals.

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