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Introduction to EFT

September 29, 2023
by Hendy Mandel - Certified Reclaim Your True Self Coach

Hi, my name is Hendy Mandel. I want to introduce you to the magical world of EFT, or as some call it, Tapping. Today I will give you a short description of EFT, its magic and why it is beneficial for you and your business.

Are you confused as to why you are feeling stuck, why you feel you are sabotaging yourself or holding yourself back in your business? Why you can’t make the right decisions?

You had such passion when you thought of your business idea. You knew without a doubt that you had the qualities to be successful. You knew that so many people could benefit from your idea, service or business. Yet it doesn’t seem to be going anywhere. You find that you are constantly overthinking or doubting every move, every decision or even your services. You don’t want to lose your long-desired dream, but you are losing it. You’re barely holding on for dear life.

“Why,” you question. “Why is this happening to me? Why do I keep failing? I have done all my work, my research, invested x amount of money. HELP!”

It’s time to check internally what is going on externally. What are your limiting beliefs? Where do your fears stem from? You keep on doing affirmations, yet you still don’t see any positive changes. It’s time to figure out why.

B”H our bodies work in very intelligent ways. Their job is to constantly keep us safe. They do their job so efficiently they literally run our life. If something very painful happened to us in the past that didn’t clear or got metabolized in our bodies, our emotional brain, whose job it is to keep us safe, will continuously hijack us, wanting us to avoid feeling that same feeling or making that same mistake again. Our brain actually sabotages us now as we seek to grow. It keeps on pulling us back, like our hands automatically pulls back from a hot oven, not letting us do the next thing. In this case, like being seen, public speaking or making more money.

This is where EFT comes in.

EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Technique. It is an easy-to-follow tapping technique, very similar to acupuncture, but instead of using needles we gain access to the meridians through tapping. EFT is very powerful because it works on three levels simultaneously: body, mind and energy system. That is why breakthroughs happen very quickly. By tapping we tap into our physical body, where all our emotions, subconscious beliefs and stories live. We address our emotional mind by bringing the truth of what is holding us back or any issue we struggle with to the surface. EFT also addresses the energy system in our body by moving the stuck energy through our body and thus putting us back into a healthy, balanced, peak state.

By bringing the issue to the surface and using the tapping formula, we bring acceptance and love to it. Love always melts fear. Once that fear and unmet need feels understood and safe, our outdated decisions are given space and dissolved. We can then tap in new, empowering beliefs and decisions which will support us in making optimal decisions in our business and everyday life. Why would you continue fighting your fears and limitations when you can totally get rid of them, by finding their source, bringing love to them and moving them through and out of your system with EFT?

Today, where stress rules our world, our emotional brain takes over, putting us in survival mode. Our body now prepares to go into fight, flight and freeze. In order to do that our body, which will always try to keep us safe, starts pumping more cortisol into our body, which in turn raises the stress in our body. Our logical brain, where all our inner wisdom, creativity, insights and clarity live, goes offline because now we need to concentrate on survival. This leaves us both depleted of energy and almost unable to access any logical, sensible solutions we so desperately seek. When we fight danger, creativity can actually put us into more danger. It stops us from saving ourselves. We then go in loops, stressing ourselves out even more, using our almost depleted energy which is now concentrated to fight the stress and overwhelm, lowering our productivity, which very quickly pulls us into a very negative place. There is no energy left to grow our business. Nothing productive can come out of this place.

EFT is known to lower our cortisol levels by sending a calming signal to our amygdala, the smoke alarm in our brain, that things are safe; nothing dangerous is happening right now; it can calm down. This is one of the many side effects of doing EFT. The calm that kicks in after doing the work is just so rewarding. As soon as our body lowers its stress levels and the emotional brain that anticipated the threat clams down, we can once again access our intelligent, logical brain. Wouldn’t you want to catch your breath, gain clarity, and once again be in control of your life instead of having the emotional brain run your life?

In addition to all that, I am very passionate about doing group clearing for employees in highly stressed workplaces. Do you want more productive, composed, relaxed workers? Who will have the capability of getting more things done in a short amount of time? Give them the gift of releasing anything that overloads their system, be it a very overwhelming season, too many demands or very emotional states, as in, for example, medical facilities, and put them into a calmer, clearer, more empowered state.

If you want to experience this, you have got to try it for yourself. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Hendy Mandel

Hendy Mandel

The key to tranquility is self-discovery. My life experience led me to that tranquility, leading me to become a successful certified life coach. My goal is to bring that same sense of tranquil self-discovery to my clients. Just like I helped myself in the area of self-discovery, I help you reclaim your true self through the same process. I am here to show you that all you are looking for is NOT coming from external sources. Rather, all you are looking for is already within you.

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