February 20, 2025
Lead by: Tania Friedlander
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How Wealth is Made?

Chany G. Rosengarten | Motivational Speaker, Teacher, Author, Wealth Coach
August 30, 2023
by Chany Rosengarten - Wealth Coach

If I were a rich man … Have you ever sung, or thought, or sighed these words?
The truth is … You are. You are a rich man.
Very little separates the rich and those who desire to be rich.

Yes. Very little. Only a few extra zeroes in the bank account. And maybe some puffy wads in the wallet.

Here is the truth. The real difference between those who are wealthy and those who are not is our thoughts, our way of being. We really can cash in our thoughts at the bank.

The wealthy individual is open.
Open to opportunity.
Open to new ways of thinking.
Open to the experience of wealth.
Open to the desires in his heart.
And while this may seem so simplistic, being wealthy is a challenging practice.

Let’s talk about embodying wealth. Let’s talk about becoming the wealthy person you want to be, so that you will then see your experience reflected in the bank account. Because the fact is that when we become wealthy, money finds its way to us. It’s always the last zero that rolls in on the power of our becoming wealthy on the inside.

Here’s a simple question for you. Think about something you really, really want. Let’s say it’s an extra $200,000 in the bank.

Now, imagine someone comes over to you, hands you a check, and says, “Here. You wanted $200,000, didn’t you? Take it.”

What would be your response?
How do you feel?

What comes up that tells you this can’t possibly be true. What does he want from me? What am I going to do with this?

Notice what comes up. Isn’t it interesting?

It turns out that if wealth would become a reality, we’d be confronted with all of our thoughts and attitudes that want to keep us small.

As long as wealth is still a fantasy, we feel this yearning and appreciation of it. But as we get closer to it, all the ideas we have about wealth come up and tell us all about our worthiness, about who we think we are and how challenging life gets to be for us.

We tend to fantasize about the things we want, but since we don’t see them as a reality, we just keep wanting them. When we ask ourselves, “What if this were actually true,” we start to notice all the things that stand in the way of us becoming really wealthy.

Those are your real blockages for wealth.

We are not blocked because we missed an opportunity. There is always another opportunity around the corner.

We are not prevented from having wealth because we were born in the wrong family. New wealth gets born every day and the self-made man is an everyday occurrence.

We are not held back because of our industry. Wealthy individuals exist in every industry, and as you think about it, I’m sure you can name a few people in your industry who are doing well.

We are held back by the messages inside of us that tell us, “I can’t possibly get what I really want, and here is why.” (Insert your decades-old insult or limiting belief here)

By noticing what messages really keep us stuck, we can rewrite those messages. We are no longer victims of subconscious thinking that holds us back. Instead, we choose to think wealthy thoughts. We choose to open up to new opportunities, new ways of thinking, and new money to come in.

And that’s how those zeroes find us, and our bank account.
That’s how wealth is made.
So to take this practice further, ask yourself these questions.
What do I really want?
If someone gave it to me today, what would I feel?
What fear, discomfort or old ideas would come up for me?
What would I like to believe instead?
And there you go. This exercise is a powerful pathway to achieving your dreams.

Chany G. Rosengarten

Chany G. Rosengarten

Chany G. Rosengarten is a Chassidic wife, mother of four young children, #1 Amazon bestselling author and powerful motivational speaker. She teaches empowerment, self-care and boundaries in business, love, and relationships, and her online courses have changed the trajectory of many lives.

Course topics: Wealth & empowerment in business & relationships

  • Get your desires by knowing and trusting what you want
  • Allow money to come to you by healing the old pains around money
  • Live the life you’ve always wanted by becoming comfortable with Wealth
  • Let money be an easy thing by understanding the language of money
  • Have clients WANT to pay you by having the right clients
  • Have an overflow of business by doing the thing you do best

Click here for more information about her training programs.

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