February 13, 2025
Lead by: Tania Friedlander
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A Message From the Founder

Zevy Lamm | Founder & Director, J Success, LLC
July 29, 2023
by Zevy Lamm - Founder, J Success, LLC

Welcome my dear friends & JSuccess members! I appreciate you for joining me on this journey! I’ve been asked by many what authority do I have to establish JSuccess as the go-to hub for personal development resources. Do I have any background in business coaching, they want to know?

The answer is no, but hear me out! As the leader of a super-strong team of NYC permit consultants at PL Consulting Group, I needed to learn how to achieve more. I spent lots of time and money learning from the best mentors. Today I'm really proud of what we’ve accomplished as a team & as a company b”H! That's why I launched JSuccess to help other achievers in our community achieve more too!

Now, in the process of identifying a suitable mentor or coach so I can scale and grow our NYC expediting business, I ran into a dilemma …

I found that self-motivated business leaders and entrepreneurs seeking training resources, information & inspiration on the topic of success, currently lack a high-quality publication or online portal in harmony with their Jewish values which serves and supports their need to grow and make an impact within and beyond the community.

This, my friend, is the problem we set out to solve!

I also found that in a world of abundant business training options, there are many delivering content that offer enterprise-wide solutions for growing companies. There are only several offering solutions for individuals looking to improve themselves.

This is our competitive advantage!

What we seek to accomplish is to establish our portal as the leading Jewish voice

in the field of personal & professional development for positive, growth-minded, achievers & impact-makers seeking comprehensive content which synthesizes success in the areas of business, money, community, spirituality, family, and health & wellbeing, among other areas.

In this inaugural edition, we’ve merited much Siyata Dishmaya with the quality of the experts who bought into our vision and mission, and are willing to share their wisdom in our monthly eMagazine, as well as offer their products & services on our eCommerce training hub.

As a matter of fact, we named the business “JSuccess,” an abbreviation of “Jewish Success”—symbolizing one of the main secrets of Jewish success, Siyata Dishmaya!

It is our vision to create a cohesive personal & professional development "By the Tribe, for the Tribe” hub for Jewish super achievers globally. Our mission is to help 10,000 achievers in the global Jewish community attain success—founded on the core values of growth, harmony & impact.

I’ll be forever grateful to the following individuals for believing in our mission and joining as our founding experts (in alphabetical order).

I conclude by sharing with you that taking on the role of helping achievers achieve more by providing a monthly ePublication and curated training programs is the greatest honor, and I’m truly humbled by the responsibility. I thank Hashem for the opportunity and I pledge BS”D to bring only high caliber products & services—both professionally and spiritually—to the market for you, JSuccess members.


Zevy Lamm,

Founder & Director, J Success, LLC

Zevy Lamm

Zevy Lamm

As the leader of a super-strong team of NYC permit consultants, I needed to learn how to achieve more. I spent lots of time and money learning from the best mentors. To hear more about some of my personal challenges and successes, click here. Today I’m really proud of what we’ve accomplished as a team & as a company B”H! That’s why I launched JSuccess to help other achievers in our community achieve more too!

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